Apr 24, 2011

That Guy

My phone goes off, it’s 4 o’clock
He must be drunk or high out of his mind
Must have been something that you said
Or was it something that you did
Did he give you another black eye....?

Well I don’t want to be that guy
The one you call
The one you need
When no one else is listening
I don’t want to be the one
That you fall upon
But it always happens to me
I’m just that guy

No matter what I do it’s always the same
Never get to enjoy, always have to save
One day maybe I’ll find the girl for me
But until that happens I suppose
I’ll have to continue to be...

Well I don’t want to be that guy
The one that you call
The one that you need
When no one else is listening
I don’t want to be the one
That you fall upon
But it always happens to me
I’m just that guy

My alarm goes off, it’s 6 O’clock
There’s a faint knock upon my door
I rush to answer it, but I can’t get a grip
On what I see when I open it
I can’t believe that you would show up...

Well I don’t want to be that guy
The one that you call
The one that you need
When no one else is listening
I don’t want to be the one
That you fall upon
But it always happens to me
I’m just that guy