Jan 29, 2011

Why Dusty's Creek was started

Well it started one night, we were drinking and my boy made the comment "it's like your life is a real episode of Dawson’s Creek" Well needless to say, I knew what I had to do. I have always felt like I have been a somewhat decent writer. English was my best subject, and I loved to write my thoughts down growing up. So I decided to start my own blog site, Dusty's Creek, and it has been a steady movement since it started. If the need ever arises, for a good story, come on over and have a drink with me by the shore. I'm sure that we can find a decent story to tell...after all, when it comes to Dusty's life; there is so much more. I want to give thanks to my boy Papa bear, after all without his tremendous support since I have met him I would not be where I am now. Every time I needed advice I went to him. Now do not get it twisted, I have a lot of friends that have supported me and they will each get their own bon fire by the creek side. 

The fishing is excellent, and the drinks are not that awful. Come get a real, magnificent view of life and how surreal it undoubtedly is. I know that no matter what I will go far in this life, all I have to do is figure out what I want in this life. I have always thought about writing my own book; who knows maybe I will! Hell maybe I'll just start writing my own story in the paper, could be amusing. Who knows maybe it is my calling in this life which, has seen so much sorrow. Well not anymore, I am not going to let anyone bring me down anymore, If some people cannot handle me the way I am then they have no place with me. Well just wanted to give an inside scoop on why this creek started flowing through the hills.

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